Linda Chunky soup Diet
this is the one I lost 10 pounds on in 2 weeks. it hard to do because it all you eat. and for me the problem was
Cut up any type of veggies that you will desire in the soup. 2 cups worth
chop parsley or 1 tbs dried herb parsley
In addition to the veggies you like above. please chop up or juice several flavoring veggies. ie tomatoes,
carrots, celery.
in the veggies you are liquidizing. cook the veggies with cabbage, and other veggies just to make a broth flavoring.
belief me when veggies you don't like are added in tiny amounts which effect the flavour and the vitamin content. you
will be happy. remember to make the over powering veggies in small amount of this boiling batch. (or you can juice
it.) save pulp and place in freezer for next batch of soup.
when you get the veggie cooked. combined veggies with the ready broth which you can liquidize in a blender, mixer.
or if you have already juiced it.
you may add chicken to this soup. as it can be chicken vegetable. it can be tomatoe soup. it can be
vegetable like cambells.
Remember to make a tomatoe soup. you will need alittle wheat free gluten free flour and heated small amount of
oil. make it as small as you can okay for example:
1 table spoon oil
1/2 tablespoon wheat free flour
pepper to taste and salt free to taste
add to veggie liquidizing pot.